Be Yourself
Featuring original songs and co-writes with Wendy Waldman, David Olney, Steve Seskin, and
Matt Rollings. Includes the National Cowboy Hall of Fame Wrangler Award-winning song “Corn,
Water & Wood."
Produced by Steve Gibson and Carol Elliott
Recorded at Nightingale Studio, Nashville, TN (with the exception of "Warm Wind")
The Players: Dale Armstrong (drums), Matt Rollings (piano), Craig Nelson (bass), Pat Flynn (acoustic guitar), Steve Gibson (guitars, mandolin, mandola, dobro, pedal steel), Marianne Osiel (oboe, English horn), Rob Hajacos (fiddle), Carol Elliott (vocals)
Engineered and mixed by Gary Paczosa
"Warm Wind"
Produced by Carol Elliott and Steve Seskin
Recorded at County Q, Nashville, TN
The Players: Paul Shelton (drums), Scot Merry (bass), Catherine Styron (keyboard), Danny
Parks (electric guitar/mandolin), Pat Flynn (acoustic guitar)
Engineered by Scot Merry
Cover concept, photograph, and design by John Baeder
Packaging reformatted by Veronica Niño at Matson Multimedia
Track Listing (with writers):
1. Be Myself (Carol Elliott)
2. Lonesome On The Range (Carol Elliott)
3. Corn, Water & Wood
(Carol Elliott, Wendy Waldman)
4. Warm Wind (Carol Elliott, Steve Seskin)
5. Friends (Carol Elliott, Matt Rollings)
6. Crossing The Line (Carol Elliott)
7. When You Take My Hand (Carol Elliott)
8. Maybe I’ll Win Your Love
(Carol Elliott, David Olney)
9. Why Don’t We Just Stay Here (Carol Elliott)
10. Oh My Love (Carol Elliott)